
mardi 10 juin 2014

Bench Pad DIY

A few months ago, I bought a sewing machine.
Il y a quelques mois j'ai acheté une machine à coudre.

I am pretty bad at sewing (for now I hope), so I stick with making pillows for now.
Je suis vraiment nulle en couture (seulement pour l'instant, j'espère!), 
alors pour l'instant je ne fais que des coussins.

I bought these two Expedit shelves from Ikea when we moved and planned to make bench pad to put on them.
J'ai acheté ces deux étagères expedit chez Ikéa quand nous avons emménagé dans notre nouvelle maison, et j'avais dans l'idée de faire des coussins pour les transformer en bancs.

So here we go. Alors c'est parti !
Things you will need / Les choses dont vous aurez besoin :
- Fabric / Tissu
- Foam / Mousse
- Scissors / Ciseaux
- Stapler / Agrafeuse
- MDF Board / Planche MDF

So, I went to the store to get two MDF boards, 10mm deep, the exact same measurement as the expedit shelves.
Alors je suis allée à Bricorama pour acheter deux planches MDF, de 10 mm d'épaisseur, de la même taille que l'étagère expedit.

I bought nice fabric, and foam and took out my stapler.
J'ai acheté du tissu, de la mousse et j'ai sorti mon agrafeuse.

I cut few pieces of foam the exact same size as the expedit, and one piece of fabric a little bigger than the size of the expedit.
J'ai coupé la mousse en plusieurs morceaux de la même taille que l'étagère. Et un morceau de tissu un peu plus grand que l'étagère.

Place your foam on the MDF board, and cover it with the fabric.
Posez les morceaux de mousse sur la planche, et couvrez les avec le tissu.

Staple everything on the MDF board.
Agrafez le tout sur votre planche MDF.

And enjoy your new comfy bench :)
Et appréciez votre nouveau banc bien confortable :)

12 commentaires:

  1. I <3 your bench pad and having extra storage! Pinning

  2. Looks great and I love the fabric you chose. Would love for you to come link up with us at The DIY'ers: We party every Tuesday. Hope to see you there!

  3. I love this! What a great idea for storage - AND it looks so nice too! Pinning! Thanks for sharing.

  4. So clever - love it! Thanks for sharing at Monday Funday link party! Pinning! ~ Heather

  5. Looks great! I did this with a built in bench in the bathroom and what's so cool is you change change it easily.

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. This is such a great way to get the most out of your storage/seating area! Thank you bunches for linking up and partying with us!

  7. great job! this is what i need to do with our diy bench, too.

  8. Looks great!! I want to try something like this when we move into a bigger home and I can start on some long dreamed of DIY projects!! Will definitely save this tutorial for them :) Maria x

  9. That's a very creative idea, it looks great. Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!! Laura@Baking in Pyjamas
