
mardi 11 mars 2014

Desk makeover DIY

Our desk needed a good makeover. I did not know how to do it.
Notre bureau avait besoin d'un bon rafraichissement. Je ne savais pas trop comment m'y prendre.

I wanted to do something simple, easy, and cheap.
Je voulais faire quelque chose de simple, facile et pas cher !

Since we can't buy chevron shelf liner in France, and I am really into chevron lately (who's not?), I asked my mother in-law to bring me some from the US.
Puisqu'on ne trouve pas de vynil chevron en France et que je suis vraiment à fond dans les chevrons en ce moment (qui ne l'est pas ?) j'ai demandé à ma belle-mère de m'en rapporter de son voyage aux US.

For your information, I bought it on
Pour celles qui veulent, on peut en trouver à Leroy Merlin ou même dans certains grands carrefour. Mais ce sera soit uni, soit avec des pois, ou d'autres motifs.

So, I simply decided to cover the desk, and the drawers.
Donc, j'ai juste décidé de couvrir le bureau et les tiroirs.

I love the way it is !
J'adore l'effet !

What do you think ?
Vous en pensez quoi ?

13 commentaires:

  1. LOVE your desk! I never would have thought to use shelf liner; I'm very into chalk paint right now for refinishing furniture, but I may have to experiment with shelf liner in the near future. Your project just turned out so well! Thanks for the Amazon shopping tip! Stopping by from the Show Me What Ya Got linkup. Feel free to stop by my blog and see what I shared this week:

    Thanks again for sharing! Have a great day! :)

  2. Thank you so much :) I really love your project too :)

    Have a great day !

  3. Love it! Pinned. Would love an update on how well it holds up after several months. Would love to share this next week on my weekly roundup.

    1. Thanks so much. Sure I'll put un update in several months. That's a very good idea ! You can totally share it :) Thanks so much !

  4. That is so adorable! What a big change from dull to fab!

  5. I love this! visiting you from Pin It Monday Hop :)

  6. So much better! I never thought of using contact paper so creatively. Awesome!

  7. I have a dresser that I use for my TV in the living room. You can NOT paint it...this would work perfect!

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi Sarah - I love the transform! Thanks for joining our Patriot's Palooza party. Hugs, Holly

  9. Thank you for sharing this post at City of Creative Dream's City of Links on Friday! I appreciate you taking the time to party with me. Hope to see you again this week :)
