
lundi 28 avril 2014

Monthly onesies - DIY

Last week was my sister's baby shower I was so thrilled to be able to organize it. I made a few things for the party that I'll share with you guys.
La semaine dernière nous avons organisé la baby shower de ma petite soeur. J'ai fait quelques petites choses pour la fête que je partagerai avec vous.

The first project I made was 12 onesies : one for each month of the first year of the baby.
Le premier projet que j'ai fait sont 12 bodies : un pour chaque mois de la première année du bébé.

This was a pretty easy project and a really nice one. 
C'est un projet super facile et vraiment sympa.

What you will need to make them / Ce dont vous aurez besoin pour faire le projet :
- 12 Onesies (take different sizes) / 12 Bodies (de tailles différentes)
- Iron on T-shirt Paper transfer (about 2 or 3 sheets) / Du papier transfert
- An Iron / Un fer à repasser
- A piece of cardboard / Un bout de carton épais

Create a nice design on any program and make one for each month /  
Créez un joli motif sur n'importe quel program et faites-en un pour chaque mois.

Flip your image (reverse image) before printing / Imprimez votre image en miroir

Cut out your design with a narrow margin aournd your image /  
Découpez votre motif en laissant une marge de 1 mm autour.

Insert a piece of cardboard in your onesie to have a hard surface. 
Insérez un bout de carton épais dans le body pour créer une surface dure.

Put a pillow case down the surface.
Poser une taie d'oreiller sur le support .

Place the design on the onesie and the pillow case on top of it all, and iron for 2 minutes.
Mettez le motif sur le body, et mettez la taie sur le tout, et repassez pendant au moins 2 minutes.

Let it cool off for 30 secondes and peel smoothly the transfer paper away for the image starting from the corner.
Laissez refroidir quelques secondes et retirez le film de transfert en commençant par un coin.

Fold them all and find a cute little box to put them all in.
Pliez les bodies, et trouvez une jolie boîte pour les présenter.

24 commentaires:

  1. Troooop mignon!!! encore merci!!! J'ai hâte de prendre les photos de baby R tous les mois!!!!
    Best aunt EVER!
    je t 'aime!!

  2. Excellente idée :D C'est unique, pas cher et super pratique pour les parents.

  3. Super cute! I wish I had thought of this for my daughter. Maybe I can do this for my next baby!

    Navy Wifey Peters @ Submarine Sunday Link Party

    1. Haha ! Me too, I did it for my sister but I need to make one for my baby too :) Thanks for stopping by !

  4. What a cute idea! I think any new mother would love them! Thanks for linking to the In and Out of the Kitchen Link Party!

  5. So pretty! Love the pink whale

  6. so so cute! I made something like this for my sister when she had her first child! also, featuring at my weekend Create Link Inspire features.. I've spread the news all around my social media and tagged you ;o) Would love a reshare or two ;o)

  7. These are so cute. My son's name is Jonah and I would have loved to have had these when he was a baby. I love anything with whales. :)

  8. One for each month is perfect! What a great gift idea. Pinning :-)

    Ashley @

  9. What a sweet, personalized gift! Thanks for sharing at my Creative Ways Link Party!

  10. I LOVE this idea! Thanks for linking up at The Southern Special!
    As my grandson is just 6 weeks old, I have time to make these :)
    Spatulas On Parade

  11. These are adorable! I'm featuring them at this week's link party! Have a wonderful day!

  12. I am so sad this idea was not popular when my babies were little! I love the labels you made!

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity at our Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! Join us again on Saturday to show off your latest projects!

    ~ Ashley

  13. Stopping by from SITS creative and adorable!

  14. That's such a lovely idea! Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!!

  15. How sweet! We forget how tiny those little onesies are!

  16. How cute! What a great idea, I'm sure the parents will love this darling way to document the baby's growth!

  17. Congratulations! This post is going to be featured over at Diana Rambles tomorrow and has been pinned in the Featured at Diana Rambles board at Pinterest, Tweeted, and Recommended on G+. Please grab a featured button off my sidebar or via the link under the features. Thanks for sharing this awesome idea!
