
mardi 1 avril 2014

Quick, Easy and Yummy Tuesday Recipe - Chicken Pad Thai

Every Tuesday, I'll be sharing with you guys some of the best recipes for families.
Chaque mardi, je vais partager avec vous les meilleures recettes pour les familles.

What I want in a recipe is for it to be Quick, Easy and Yummy of course !
Ce que je veux dans une recette c'est qu'elle soit Rapide, Facile et Bonne bien sûr !

This week, I'll share with you the Chicken Pad Thai recipe.
Cette semaine, je partage avec vous la recette du Pad Thai au poulet.

Recipe for 6
Recette pour 6 personnes

Ingredients :
- 800g Chicken
- 500g Thai Pasta
- 250g Soybean Sprouts
- 3 Eggs
- 3 Cloves of garlic
- 6 Stalks chives
- 10 TBS Ketchup
- 75ml Fish Sauce
- 50ml Soy Sauce
- 4 TBS sugar
- Oil

Ingrédients :
- 800g d'Escalopes de Poulet
- 500g de Pâtes thaï
- 250g de Pousses de Soja
- 3 Oeufs
- 3 gousses d'Ail
- 6 Tiges de ciboulette
- 10 CS de Ketchup
- 75ml de Sauce Nuoc-mam
- 50ml de Sauce Soja
- 4 CS de Sucre en poudre
- Huile de Tournesol

Put the noodles in boiling water, remove from heat and let soak for 10 minutes then drain.
Plonger les nouilles à ébullition, retirer du feu, laisser tremper 10 minutes, les égoutter. 

Mix in a bowl ketchup, fish sauce and sugar.
Mélanger dans un saladier le ketchup, le nuoc-mâm et le sucre. 

Mince the garlic and chives.
Émincer l’ail et les ciboules. 

Cook the beaten eggs for 2 minutes in a pan in a little bit of oil.
En remuant, faire cuire 2 minutes dans une poêle les œufs battus dans 1 cuillerée à café d’huile. 

  Cut chicken into strips. Return to heat, add the remaining oil, add the chicken and cook over high heat 8 to 10 minutes, add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds, add the noodles, and pour ketchup and cook 1 minute, add the chives, stir and remove from heat.
 Couper le poulet en lamelles. Remettre sur le feu, verser le reste d’huile, ajouter le poulet, faire cuire à feu vif 8 à 10 minutes, ajouter l’ail, laisser cuire 30 secondes, ajouter les nouilles, et verser le mélange de ketchup, laisser cuire 1 minute, ajouter les ciboules, tourner et retirer du feu. 

Blanch the bean sprouts 30 seconds and drain. Add them to the preparation.
Cook over very low heat for another ten or so minutes.
Ébouillanter les pousses de soja 30 secondes et les égoutter. Les ajouter à la préparation.
Laissez cuire à feu très doux pendant encore une petite dizaine de minutes.

Bon Appétit !

7 commentaires:

  1. Good Afternoon Sarah, The first time I ate Pad Thai, was when I visited Chennai, India. It is a lovely dish and I am so pleased to have the recipe. I look forward to trying it.
    I have enjoyed my visit and I have become a new follower.
    Best Wishes

    1. Hi ! Let me know if you liked the recipe as much as I do :) Thank you so much for following me ! Have a very nice day !


  2. This looks delicious! I would love for you share it on my Tasty Tuesday recipe link up here! Everything gets pinned and I would love to have you!

    1. Thank you so much ! I just put the link on :) Thank you for stopping by !

  3. I have never tried to make Chicken Pad Thai but have always wanted to, and now I have the perfect recipe! Can't wait to try it! Thank you so much for linking up at Tasty Tuesday! Your recipe has been pinned to the Tasty Tuesday Pinterest board! Please join us again next week!

  4. Love the idea of making Pad Thai at home. Also, thanks for linking up to #theWeekendSocial. As always, your recipe has been pinned!

  5. I have friends who love Thai food and would love to have this recipe! Thank you so much for sharing!

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity at our Show-Licious Craft & Recipe Party! Join us again on Saturday to show off your latest projects!

    ~ Ashley
